Mini Dairy Goats
All Mini Dairy Goats Junior and Senior, Does and Bucks
(Bucks offered for sale)

Enchanted Hill Kousa
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Jr Doe F4
Born 3/27/23
7EH R5
Cou Claire, Brown eyes
Sire: Enchanted Hill Mochachino
Dam: Enchanted Hill Columbine
Enchanted Hill Miniature LaMancha Goats
Not for sale

Painted Feather Olive
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Doe F2
Born 11/7/18
PF9 K34
Black & White, Blue eyes, Gopher ears
Sire: GoGo's Splash Me Charming
Virtual Show Champion
Dam: Painted Feather Kahlua Colada
Virtual Show Champion
3 Freshenings
Bred to Rocky for December - not confirmed
Not for Sale

Tanya's Dream Brandi
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Doe F1
Born 4/19/17
Brown eyes, Elf Ears
Sire: Farm Oldsouth VR Cupp Of Joe *B
Dam: Tanya's Dream RM Mary Poppins
5 Freshenings
Not for Sale

Painted Feather Here Comes Trouble
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Doe F1
Res GCH Jr Doe Virtual Fall Show
Born 3/3/16
PF9 H2
Blue eyes, Elf ears
Sire: Matthew 21 Milton F1
2 X Res. Champion Buck Virtual Show
Dam: Bunker Babes Kahlua Cream
Grand Champion Senior Doe
4 Freshenings
Not for Sale

Painted Feather Kahlua Colada
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Doe F1
GCH & Res GCH Jr Doe Virtual Fall Show
Born 3/3/16
PF9 H1
Brown eyes, Elf ears
Sire: Matthew 21 Milton F1
2 X Res. Champion Buck Virtual Show
Dam: Bunker Babes Kahlua Cream
Grand Champion Senior Doe
6 Freshenings
Not for Sale

Desert Winds Delinda
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Doe F4
Born 2/27/14
Brown eyes, Gopher ears
Sire: Phantasma Blue Oyster Cult
Dam: Desertwinds Emmy Lou
From Desert Winds
6 Freshenings
Not for Sale

Merricroft Meadows Rocky Road
MDGA/TMGR Mini LaMancha Buck F3
Born 6/19/20
3M M7
Brown eyes, Gopher ears
Buckskin with white
Dam: Enchanted Hill Rosewillow
Sire: Enchanted Hill Whippoorwill
Asking $300